domingo, 21 de junio de 2020

2nd Grade

22nd June

Google Meet Video Call 24th June ->   2nd A 10:00
                                                            2nd B  10:40

                                                           2nd C 11:20


2nd grade

Top of the morning! 馃憢

馃崏馃憭 Summer recommendations 馃尀馃寠

馃強 Recomendaciones de verano 馃憞

1. 馃帳 Songs and short stories

YouTube channels - Canales de YouTube 馃摴

Canciones e historias cortas 

2. 馃枌 Arts

A YouTube channel 馃摴

3. 馃摎 Reading books 馃憖

2nd grade

Libros de lectura

4. 馃摌 My Summer Activity Book ✍

Cuadernillo de repaso

2nd grade


5. 馃幃 Other resources 馃幉 

6. Storytelling and Cartoons 馃摴

Narraci贸n de cuentos y dibujos animados 

馃寗 Have a lovely summer! 馃槈馃挌

viernes, 19 de junio de 2020

3rd Grade

24th June

 Google Meet video call -> Wednesday 24th - 12:00


3rd grade

Good morning! 馃憢

馃崏馃憭 Summer recommendations 馃尀馃寠

馃強 Recomendaciones de verano 馃憞

1. 馃帳 Songs and short stories

YouTube channels - Canales de YouTube 馃摴

Canciones e historias cortas 

2. 馃枌 Arts

A YouTube channel 馃摴

3. 馃摎 Reading books 馃憖

Libros de lectura

3rd grade

4. 馃摌 My Summer Activity Book ✍

Cuadernillo de repaso

3rd grade


5. 馃幃 Other resources 馃幉

P谩ginas web 

6. Storytelling and Cartoons 馃摴

Narraci贸n de cuentos y dibujos animados 

馃強馃弰 Have a lovely summer! 馃槈馃挏

1st Grade

22nd June

Google Meet Video Call 23rd June  ->   1st A 10:00
                                                             1st B  10:45
                                                             1st C  11:30


Hi! 馃憢馃槉

馃崏馃憭 Summer recommendations 馃尀馃寠

馃強 Recomendaciones de verano 馃憞

1. 馃帳 Songs and short stories 

YouTube channels - Canales de YouTube 馃摴

Canciones e historias cortas 

2. Arts 馃枌

A YouTube channel 馃摴

3. 馃摎 Reading books 馃憖 

1st grade

Libros de lectura

4. 馃摌 My Summer Activity Book ✍

Cuadernillo de repaso

1st grade

5. 馃幃 Other resources 馃幉 

P谩ginas web 

6. Storytelling and Cartoons 馃摴

Narraci贸n de cuentos y dibujos animados 

YouTube channels - Canales de YouTube

馃寘 Have a lovely summer! 馃槈馃挍

martes, 16 de junio de 2020

3rd Grade

17th June

Video call Google Meet -> Wednesday 24th - 12:00


IMPORTANT! -> Video 馃摴

Good morning! 馃憢馃榾

Complete the weather chart:


Listen and check your answers 馃憘✅

Where's Sam? 馃

Listen to Ruby, Nick and me! 馃憘

Where's Nick's baseball cap❓ Nick's baseball cap is...

Is Nick angry/happy/sad❓ Nick is...

Write a comment below! 馃挱

Becky's project -> All about my town! 馃寙

Homework/Tarea 馃憞:

馃幉 Game time 馃幃

Remember❗ 馃

馃摎 Page 53 (Activity book)

Exercise 1 -> Listen 馃憘 and write his/her

Exercise 2 -> Look at activity 1 and write his/her or Jake's/Jenny's

馃摎 Page 55 (Activity book)

Exercise 1 -> Look and read 馃憖. Complete Becky's town project plan. 

Voluntary homework/Tarea voluntaria 馃憞:

Exercise 2 -> Plan your town leaflet

Exercise 3 -> Write about your town 

and finally draw your town! 馃槈✎

Send the homework to: 馃摟

Env铆a tu tarea al correo electr贸nico de arriba 馃憜

Thank you! Bye! 馃憢

domingo, 14 de junio de 2020

2nd Grade

15th to 19th June

2nd grade 

Good morning! 馃憢馃槈

Complete the weather chart:


馃┍馃悷 Summer is coming! 馃尀馃強

馃寠馃尀 Summer vocabulary 馃崸馃寘

馃崏馃弰 What do you like doing in summer?  馃憴馃寠

Reading 馃摉      Playing 馃彄     Swimming 馃強     Dancing 馃拑

Example: I like swimming 馃強馃┍

Write a comment below! 馃挱

Listen to THE TOYS 3 馃憘

Homework/Tarea 馃憞:

馃幉 Game time 馃幃

Click here 馃憠 PLAY QUIZZIZ 

Do this interactive worksheet:

Exercise 1 -> Read 馃憖 and complete with a number. 

Exercise 2 -> Look, read 馃憖 and match ↘↗


You don't need to send the homework to my email account this week 

Esta semana no hace falta que me envi茅is la tarea al correo 馃槈

Thank you! See you soon! 馃憢

1st Grade

15th to 19th June

1st Grade

 Hi! 馃槉

Complete the weather chart:


馃憰馃┏ Summer is almost here! 馃尀馃寠

What do you like doing in summer?  馃寘 馃崸

Swimming 馃強      Playing 馃幘      Reading 馃摉     Drawing 馃枍

Example: I like...

Write a comment below! 馃挰

馃尀馃寠 Summer vocabulary 馃弰馃崏

Listen to THE TOYS 3 馃憘

Homework/Tarea 馃憞:

馃幃 Game time 馃幉

Click here  馃憠  PLAY QUIZZIZ 

Do this interactive worksheet:

Exercise 1-> Write a or b 


You don't need to send the homework to my email account this week 

Esta semana no hace falta que me envi茅is la tarea al correo 馃槈

Thank you! See you soon 馃憢馃榾

martes, 9 de junio de 2020

3rd Grade

10th June

Video call Google Meet -> 10th June - 12:30h.


IMPORTANT! -> Video 馃帴

Top of the morning! 馃憢

Remember❗ 馃

馃挌馃挍 Love and respect nature! 馃毜馃尰

馃挋馃挏 Love and respect oceans! 馃寠馃強


Listen to these words:

Listening 馃憘

Watch the story of unit 6 馃憖馃憘

What do you think about the story? 馃

I quite like it. It's OK 馃槓    I like it. It's good 馃槉  
What a fantastic story! It's great 馃槏

Write a comment below! 馃挰

Remember❗ 馃槈

Look at this! 馃憖

Listen 馃憘 and say 馃棧 the number:

Homework/Tarea 馃憞:

馃幉 Game time 馃幃

馃摀 Page 64 (Class book)

Choose and write the right option (notebook)

馃摎 Page 52 (Activity book)

Exercise 1 -> Read the story 馃憖 and complete

Exercise 2 -> What do you think about the story? 馃

Exercise 3 -> Read 馃憖 and complete the value
                     Draw something you look after 馃枍


Send the homework to: 馃摟

Env铆a tu tarea al correo electr贸nico de arriba 馃憜

Thank you! Bye! 馃槉

26TH to 30TH April